Class Obstacle


public class Obstacle extends Object
Represents an obstacle on the map. An obstacle is a collection of vertices and edges.
  • Field Details

    • id

      public String id
      The id of the obstacle. This will be used to add special behavior to obstacles which may only be used in certain situations.
    • modifiers

      public ModifierCollection modifiers
      The modifiers on this obstacle.
  • Constructor Details

    • Obstacle

      public Obstacle(ArrayList<Vertex> vertices, ArrayList<Edge> edges, String id, ModifierCollection modifiers)
      Creates a new obstacle.
      vertices - All vertices on the map.
      edges - The edges that make up the obstacle.
      id - The id of the obstacle.
      modifiers - The modifiers on this obstacle.
    • Obstacle

      public Obstacle(ArrayList<Vertex> vertices, ArrayList<Edge> edges, String id)
      Creates a new obstacle with the always active modifier.
      vertices - All vertices on the map.
      edges - The edges that make up the obstacle.
      id - The id of the obstacle.
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(ArrayList<Vertex> vertices)
      Re-initializes the obstacle. This is used when the vertices are updated (usually via inflation)
      vertices - The new vertices.
    • isRobotInObstacle

      public static ArrayList<Obstacle> isRobotInObstacle(ArrayList<Obstacle> obstacles, Vertex vertex)
      Detect if a vertex is inside any obstacle in the list.
      obstacles - The list of obstacles to check.
      vertex - The vertex to check.
      The list of obstacles that the vertex is inside, empty if none.
    • isRobotInObstacle

      public static ArrayList<Obstacle> isRobotInObstacle(ArrayList<Obstacle> obstacles, Vertex vertex, boolean notZone)
      Detect if a vertex is inside any obstacle in the list.
      obstacles - The list of obstacles to check.
      vertex - The vertex to check.
      notZone - If true, ignores obstacles with the zone modifier.
      The list of obstacles that the vertex is inside, empty if none.
    • isInside

      public boolean isInside(Vertex pos)
      Checks if the given vertex is inside the obstacle.
      pos - The vertex to check.
      True if the vertex is inside the obstacle, false otherwise.
    • calculateNearestPointFromInside

      public Vertex calculateNearestPointFromInside(Vertex v)
      Calculates the nearest point on the obstacle to the given vertex, assuming the given vertex is inside the obstacle
      v - The vertex to calculate the nearest point to.
      The nearest point on the obstacle to the given vertex.
    • calculateNearestPoint

      public Vertex calculateNearestPoint(Vertex v)
      Calculates the nearest point on the obstacle to the given vertex.
      v - The vertex to calculate the nearest point to.
      The nearest point on the obstacle to the given vertex.
    • isConvexAndClockwise

      public boolean isConvexAndClockwise()
      Checks if the obstacle is convex and clockwise, used to validate the map.
      True if the obstacle is convex and clockwise, false otherwise.
    • createObstacle

      public static Obstacle createObstacle(Vertex... vertices)
      Create and initializes a new obstacle from the given vertices with the AlWAYS_ACTIVE modifier. Generates the edge table automatically.
      vertices - The list of vertices in the obstacle.
      The new obstacle.
    • getMasterVertices

      public ArrayList<Vertex> getMasterVertices()
      Get all vertices this obstacle knows about. (The entire field, if it is a field obstacle)
      The master list of vertices.
    • getVertices

      public ArrayList<Vertex> getVertices()
      Get all vertices in this obstacle.
      The list of vertices.
    • getEdges

      public ArrayList<Edge> getEdges()
      Get all edges in this obstacle.
      The list of edges.