Class ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop extends Object implements ConfigurableClass
A configurable spark max PID controller. This class is an example of how to use the ConfigurableClass interface, but is safe for competition use.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop

      public ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop(com.revrobotics.spark.config.SparkBaseConfig config, com.revrobotics.spark.config.SparkBaseConfigAccessor accessor, com.revrobotics.spark.SparkBase controller, String key)
      Sets up a spark max PID controller to be autoconfigured. If you would like to use default values, set them before creating this
      config - The config object for the controller
      accessor - The accessor for the config object
      controller - The controller to be configured
      key - The json key for the controller to be stored in
    • ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop

      public ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop(com.revrobotics.spark.config.SparkBaseConfig config, com.revrobotics.spark.config.SparkBaseConfigAccessor accessor, com.revrobotics.spark.SparkBase controller, String key, String prettyName)
      Sets up a spark max PID controller to be autoconfigured. If you would like to use default values, set them before creating this
      config - The config object for the controller
      accessor - The accessor for the config object
      controller - The controller to be configured
      key - The json key for the controller to be stored in
      prettyName - The display name of this controller
  • Method Details