Interface ConfigurableClass

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConfigurableLinearInterpolation, ConfigurablePhoenixMotorPIDController, ConfigurablePIDController, ConfigurableProfiledPIDController, ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop

public interface ConfigurableClass
Interface for classes that can be automatically configured by OxConfig Classes that implement this should have multiple configurable parameters and should use the ConfigurableClassParam class to store them. If you only need one configurable parameter, use the ConfigurableParameter class instead.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the key of the configurable class (e.g.
    Gets the parameters of the configurable class
    default String
    Gets the pretty name of the configurable class (e.g.
  • Method Details

    • getParameters

      List<ConfigurableClassParam<?>> getParameters()
      Gets the parameters of the configurable class
      The parameters of the configurable class
    • getKey

      String getKey()
      Gets the key of the configurable class (e.g. "Arm"), must not include commas
      The key of the configurable class
    • getPrettyName

      default String getPrettyName()
      Gets the pretty name of the configurable class (e.g. "Arm")
      The pretty name of the configurable class