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Always - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EnsureMode
Default, Always ensures all keys exist, but is slower


calculate(double) - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableLinearInterpolation
Calculates the y value of the linear interpolation function at the given x
ConfigurableClass - Interface in me.nabdev.oxconfig
Interface for classes that can be automatically configured by OxConfig Classes that implement this should have multiple configurable parameters and should use the ConfigurableClassParam class to store them.
ConfigurableClassParam<T> - Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig
Parameters for use with ConfigurableClass
ConfigurableClassParam(ConfigurableClass, T, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableClassParam
Creates a new ConfigurableClassParam with the given value and key
ConfigurableClassParam(ConfigurableClass, T, Consumer<T>, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableClassParam
Creates a new ConfigurableClassParam with the given value and key
ConfigurableLinearInterpolation - Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses
A configurable linear interpolation function.
ConfigurableLinearInterpolation(String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableLinearInterpolation
Allocates a ConfigurableLinearInterpolation and registers it to OxConfig
ConfigurableParameter<T> - Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig
A single parameter that can be configured by OxConfig.
ConfigurableParameter(T, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableParameter
Creates a new ConfigurableParameter with the given value and key, and registers it with the OxConfig
ConfigurableParameter(T, String, Consumer<T>) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableParameter
Creates a new ConfigurableParameter with the given value and key, and registers it with the OxConfig
ConfigurablePhoenixMotorPIDController - Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses
A configurable Talon SRX or Victor SPX PID controller.
ConfigurablePhoenixMotorPIDController(BaseMotorController, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePhoenixMotorPIDController
Sets up a Talon SRX PID controller to be autoconfigured.
ConfigurablePhoenixMotorPIDController(BaseMotorController, String, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePhoenixMotorPIDController
Sets up a Talon SRX PID controller to be autoconfigured.
ConfigurablePIDController - Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses
A WPILib PIDController that can be configured by OxConfig.
ConfigurablePIDController(double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePIDController
Allocates a ConfigurablePIDController and registers it to OxConfig with the given constants for kp, ki, and kd and a default period of 0.02 seconds.
ConfigurablePIDController(double, double, double, String, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePIDController
Allocates a ConfigurablePIDController and registers it to OxConfig with the given constants for kp, ki, and kd and a default period of 0.02 seconds.
ConfigurableProfiledPIDController - Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses
A WPILib ProfiledPIDController that can be configured by OxConfig.
ConfigurableProfiledPIDController(double, double, double, TrapezoidProfile.Constraints, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableProfiledPIDController
Allocates a ConfigurableProfiledPIDController and registers it to OxConfig with the given constants for kp, ki, and kd and a default period of 0.02 seconds.
ConfigurableProfiledPIDController(double, double, double, TrapezoidProfile.Constraints, String, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableProfiledPIDController
Allocates a ConfigurableProfiledPIDController and registers it to OxConfig with the given constants for kp, ki, and kd and a default period of 0.02 seconds.
ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop - Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses
A configurable spark max PID controller.
ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop(SparkBaseConfig, SparkBaseConfigAccessor, SparkBase, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop
Sets up a spark max PID controller to be autoconfigured.
ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop(SparkBaseConfig, SparkBaseConfigAccessor, SparkBase, String, String) - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop
Sets up a spark max PID controller to be autoconfigured.


enableMinifyJSON() - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Enable minification of the output json file.
enableProfiling(boolean) - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Enable sending profiling values in ms to NetworkTables (OxConfig/Profiling)
Errors - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.LoggingMode
Only errors


FileOnly - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EditMode
Only editing from the config file is allowed


get() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableClassParam
Gets the current value of the parameter since the last reload
get() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableParameter
Gets the current value of the parameter since the last reload
getKey() - Method in interface me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableClass
Gets the key of the configurable class (e.g.
getKey() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableLinearInterpolation
getKey() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePhoenixMotorPIDController
getKey() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePIDController
getKey() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableProfiledPIDController
getKey() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop
getParameters() - Method in interface me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableClass
Gets the parameters of the configurable class
getParameters() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableLinearInterpolation
getParameters() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePhoenixMotorPIDController
getParameters() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePIDController
getParameters() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableProfiledPIDController
getParameters() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop
getPrettyName() - Method in interface me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableClass
Gets the pretty name of the configurable class (e.g.
getPrettyName() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableLinearInterpolation
getPrettyName() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePhoenixMotorPIDController
getPrettyName() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurablePIDController
getPrettyName() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableProfiledPIDController
getPrettyName() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableSparkClosedLoop
getX1() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableLinearInterpolation
Gets the x1 value
getX2() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableLinearInterpolation
Gets the x2 value
getY1() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableLinearInterpolation
Gets the y1 value
getY2() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses.ConfigurableLinearInterpolation
Gets the y2 value


Info - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.LoggingMode
Errors, warnings, and info
initialize() - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Initializes the config system, should be called in robotInit()


Locked - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EditMode
No editing allowed, primarily for use during competition


me.nabdev.oxconfig - package me.nabdev.oxconfig
me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses - package me.nabdev.oxconfig.sampleClasses
modeSelector - Static variable in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
The current modeSelector, used to determine which config values to use


Never - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EnsureMode
(Not Recommended) Never ensures keys exist, do not use on the first run after adding a new parameter/class.
None - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.LoggingMode
No logging


OxConfig - Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig
A flexible, dynamic json based automatic configuration system for FRC robots
OxConfig() - Constructor for class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
OxConfig.EditMode - Enum Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig
Different modes for editing
OxConfig.EnsureMode - Enum Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig
Different modes for ensuring keys
OxConfig.LoggingMode - Enum Class in me.nabdev.oxconfig
Different modes for logging


registerClassParameter(String, ConfigurableClassParam<?>) - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Not for use by the user: Sets up a configurable class param automatically configured (Automatically handled by ConfigurableClassParam)
registerConfigurableClass(ConfigurableClass) - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Register a class to be automatically configured (should be called in configurable class constructor).
registerParameter(String, ConfigurableParameter<?>) - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Not for use by the user: Sets up a config value to be automatically configured (Automatically handled by ConfigurableParameter)
reload() - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Updates all the configurable parameters/configurable classes (NOT FROM FILE, use reloadFromDisk() instead)
reloadFromDisk() - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Reloads all values from the config file and updates the configurable parameters/configurable classes


set(T) - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableClassParam
Sets the value of the parameter and calls the setter method Note: This does not save the value to the config file and will be overwritten on reload
set(T) - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableParameter
Sets the value of the parameter and calls the setter method Note: This does not save the value to the config file and will be overwritten on reload
setEditMode(OxConfig.EditMode) - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Set the edit mode of OxConfig
setEnsureMode(OxConfig.EnsureMode) - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Change the default ensure behavoir of OxConfig.
setLoggingMode(OxConfig.LoggingMode) - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Set the logging mode of OxConfig
setModeList(String...) - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Sets the list of modes that OxConfig will store values for.
shouldStoreComment() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableClassParam
Whether or not a comment should be stored.
shouldStoreComment() - Method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.ConfigurableParameter
Whether or not a comment should be stored.
Startup - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EnsureMode
Ensure keys only on startup.


Unrestricted - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EditMode
Editing from the config file and NT Interface (AdvantageScope-3044) is allowed, default


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EditMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EnsureMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.LoggingMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EditMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.EnsureMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.LoggingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


Warnings - Enum constant in enum class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig.LoggingMode
Errors and warnings, default
writeFiles() - Static method in class me.nabdev.oxconfig.OxConfig
Missing config keys will be added to the config file automatically, this function will write out those autogenerated keys to a file
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